Release of 16.07.2024

Solid second quarter 2024 for A1 Group

  • Service revenues +3.9 %
  • EBITDA +3.8 %
  • Growth driven strongly by Eastern European markets
  • Despite challenging environment Austria delivers stable performance

Alejandro Plater, CEO of A1 Group on the highlights of Q2 2024:

“We again saw a solid development in the second quarter. Group service revenues increased by 3.9 %. The growth was strongly driven by Eastern European markets with a significant increase in B2B Digital Services translated in an EBITDA growth of 3.8 % (excl. restructuring, negative one-off & FX effects: EBITDA +8.3 %). Despite a challenging environment in the Austrian market, we pursued our strategy in staying relevant for our customers resulting in a solid growth performance in the second quarter.”

Thomas Arnoldner, Deputy CEO of A1 Group adds:

“In mobile communications, the number of customers rose by 6.0 % (subscribers) mainly driven by industry 4.0 connecting IoT devices. In the fixed-line business, the number of customers slightly increased by 0.5 % year-on-year (RGUs) driven by broadband internet and TV demand. On top, the internet@home customer base increased by 2.2 % to 3.85 million in the Group, driven both by the increase in broadband RGUs and mobile WiFi routers.”

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(1)Michael Höfler (en)
Dr. Michael Höfler
A1 Group Spokesperson
+43 664 66 30362